Thursday, August 18, 2011

37 weeks

Well, again I haven't updated in a while!
I am 37 weeks pregnant...there is a lot going on with this pregnancy! At 32 weeks I found out that I have gestational diabetes which I have been able to manage well with my diet. I do get a little tired of having to check my sugar with the glucometer but it isn't that bad...I will do whatever it takes to get our precious baby here safe and healthy!!!
Beginning at my 34 week appointment my amniotic fluid has been measuring a little high, so I get an ultrasound and a NST (non stress test) every week until baby Jaycee gets here!
Jaycee is not a fan of the NST at all! She never cooperates and I ALWAYS end up being on the monitor for at least 45 mins to an hour! Everything has turned out just fine each time but the first time this happened it scared me to death! They were talking about sending me to the hospital to stay over night and everything!
Due to the gestational diabetes and the high fluid levels the dr keeps telling me that my water could break at any time even before actual labor or contractions start...this is a little scary for me just because we live so far away from the hospital (normally I wouldn't even mind my water breaking at home but they want me to get to the hospital immediately due to the high fluid levels)
Everything will work out and if Jaycee isn't here on her own in the next 2 weeks I will be induced. All along we had planned on letting her come on her own but with all of the other risks we are planning on doing the safest thing for her!!!

I officially started my maternity leave today, I was going to stick it out until right up to the day but my feet have started swelling so bad I could barely wear my tennis shoes today! I couldn't even tie them!!! The girls at work have been awesome to let me do a lot of phone calls/things I could do sitting down...I was trying not to duck out too early but I think it is the best thing for us!

Jenessa has started 3rd grade and we LOVE her teacher! She is awesome! Jenessa is going to be such a great big sister! She is soooo excited!!!!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

baby shower invitations

My mom was going to spend a lot of money on baby shower invitations...I told her that was crazy and made some myself! I know, I know...I shouldn't have made my own since someone else is throwing the shower for me but hey I saved her some money! I think it turned out pretty cute....

Friday, April 22, 2011

20 weeks!

Well, today I went for my 20 week ultrasound/anatomy scan (we kind of already did that with one of my friends at 16 weeks because I couldn't stand the suspense for another whole month of knowing boy or girl) Everything looked good...she has a little bit of thickening around the wall of her heart they are going to keep an eye on...they will check it again at 30 weeks but the dr didn't think it is much to worry about and said this usually goes away on its own but she had to inform me just in case.

Jenessa got to go with me, she loves seeing the baby on the ultrasound and asks almost every week how big the baby is now! She talks to the baby all the time and likes to read to her baby sister! We have also picked a name out!! (finally!) Jaycee Ann (Robby's middle name is Jay, my middle name is Lee Ann, his mother's middle name was Ann and my mamaw Pat's middle name is Ann) She is definitely still a girl...I was a little hesitant on taking the tags off of the clothes before just in case ha ha.

I feel her move around constantly I can't believe how big my belly is already and how fast it is growing! She is 13 oz. The dr has been fussing at me a little about not gaining any weight this whole time. In fact, I had lost weight but I am not worried about it because the baby is gaining and growing just fine and I had plenty of extra to begin with! I can't seem to get them to understand either that since I have been pregnant, believe it or not I can only eat about 1/4 of what I would normally eat! I get full so fast!!

Here are some pictures of our sweet little girl, the tech even did a few 3d and 4d of her face (she looks like a little alien because there isn't any fat on her yet but she is still beautiful to us!!!) I was already in love with her just from her being inside me but after seeing her face it is like it melted my heart! She loves sucking on her fingers...every ultrasound we have done so far she has been sucking on them!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

It's a....GIRL!!!

Today we found out that we're having a little girl!!! We went for the ultrasound at 16 weeks! Robby, Jenessa, mom and dad were all there and it was an awesome experience to share with them! She kept moving around and kicking...didn't want to cooperate so much....she mostly stayed on the position on her knees with her legs crossed, but she let us get a few peaks-atleast we were able to tell she is a girl!!!
Me and Jenessa of course had to go clothes shopping and buy the baby girl some clothes! I think Jenessa enjoyed it just as much as I did!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sick day!

Had to stay home with Jenessa today...this is the very first day she has EVER missed of school since she started Kindergarten! She woke me up this morning at 12:30 AM running a fever, chilling all over, sick at her stomach, coughing, after I got some Tylenol and a bite of food in her we watched The Karate Kid, she dozed off, when she woke up we had to watch Bedtime Stories (with Adam Sandler in it), it was an all night/all day thing. Not used to her being sick because she is never sick like that! She wanted "mommy" to stay home with her. By the end of the day she said, I just love you so much and love that you let me eat popsicles all day! (love her heart!)
I hate that she was so sick and am so glad her fever finally broke but we got to spend some quality time together watching so many of her favorite movies and cuddling. (oh and eating popsicles!)

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Today, Jenessa and I are going to get pedicures! It is definitely flip flop weather and I need one so bad! On another note, I love the way that Jenessa is with "the baby in my belly" she likes to rub my belly and talk to the baby (she thinks the only way baby can hear is if she talks through my belly button) it is so cute. She keeps saying that she can't wait for her baby brother or sister to come out so she can hold it.
We have already scheduled birthing classes, sibling class and even baby shower in June. We are doing our maternity pictures in May (I don't want to wait until I'm huge and have the 'mask of pregnancy') I have a hunch that baby Junior will make their appearance some time in August (hopefully at the end)
Still hoping baby will cooperate with us next Friday so we can find out team pink or team blue!!!! This is one of the most exciting days and I just can't wait!

Friday, March 18, 2011

15 weeks!

I'm a little behind on here! I'm so excited about my 16 week dr appt on Wednesday, everything is progressing well so far! I have gained 3 lbs and lost them again which is ok with the dr right now because the baby is just growing and growing! I had a crazy rash on my face Tuesday so the on call OB dr sent me to the ER to be sure it wasn't anything that could affect baby Junior. (That whole experience is a story in itself!) Everything is going great, no one knows what the rash is caused from but pretty sure it isn't affecting baby. Just to be sure because he/she hadn't seemed as active the past few days we did a quick ultrasound at work. I told the tech "Now I promised my husband that I wouldn't find out what the baby is unless he is with me so if by chance you can, DO NOT tell me!" She said "Well, I couldn't tell if I wanted to!" and turned the screen around to me...he/she was sitting on its bottom with its legs crossed punching everywhich way! It was so cute! We were dying laughing!
Hopefully we get to find out boy or girl on Friday! I'm so excited!! (So is Robby and Jenessa!!!) I can't wait to get started on the nursery!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

12 weeks down!

We have taken to calling the baby "baby Junior" (no I'm not really naming the kid that!) Here is the newest picture of him/or her. This is from our 12 week visit where they check for neural tube defects and all of that, do lots of blood work, etc. Everything turned out just fine so far! I have had morning sickness all the way up to week 12! So thankful that is over with for the most part!
When I woke up the other morning and tried to put my scrubs on, they wouldn't fit anymore! I tried 3 or 4 shirts on and NONE of them would go over my belly!!! It was like it "popped" over night!! I'm enjoying the belly so far although it does seem to get in the way sometimes! (I know, the best is yet to come! ha ha)

Friday, February 18, 2011

Almost finished with the first one!

I went to the OB dr today for my horrible cold/cough and we were able to pick up the baby's heartbeat with the doppler. It was so exciting! (especially since the dr said the heartbeat usually can't be picked up with doppler until 15-16 weeks) We didn't get to hear the heartbeat on the first ultrasound only see it (I didn't have the best ultrasound tech). I have had a LOT of morning sickness, mid day sickness and night sickness too (ha ha). We're nearing the end of the first trimester so hopefully the sickness will get a little better.
We go back next Friday for 12 week ultrasound, some blood work and all that good stuff! I just can't wait to find out what we're having for sure so I can start buying more things! We already have a baby bed thanks to Granny Tammy (my momma) and the Chicco keyfit travel system we were wanting thanks to Papaw Tony (my daddy). We're just so excited about this baby! Although I've had some unpleasant pregnancy symptoms I'm still trying to enjoy it more than anything! We're so blessed!!!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oh baby, baby!

I am HORRIBLE at blogging! I keep forgetting to post on here, then my computer messed up...I finally got a new one!
I have new news since the last time I posted on here! We're having a baby!! I am only 10 weeks now...we are soooo excited!! I almost think Jenessa was more excited than us when we first found out! She was jumping up and down wanting to call everyone too! We're so excited about this new adventure in our lives and can't wait to find out what we're having! I am so impatient that we finally tried the wedding band on a thread thing (hey, the little old ladies I know swear by it!) according to the old wives tale, we are having a boy...we don't really care what we're having either as long as it gets here and is healthy but we're still just dying to know one way or the other! Can't wait to start decorating the nursery! We already have a baby bed and have picked a bunch of things out that would go either way but I'm trying not to get ahead of myself...
I have always wanted a baby more than anything and just can't contain my excitement! :) Neither can my parents! They're sooo excited about having a "grandbaby." I will try to keep everyone updated!