Saturday, February 5, 2011

Oh baby, baby!

I am HORRIBLE at blogging! I keep forgetting to post on here, then my computer messed up...I finally got a new one!
I have new news since the last time I posted on here! We're having a baby!! I am only 10 weeks now...we are soooo excited!! I almost think Jenessa was more excited than us when we first found out! She was jumping up and down wanting to call everyone too! We're so excited about this new adventure in our lives and can't wait to find out what we're having! I am so impatient that we finally tried the wedding band on a thread thing (hey, the little old ladies I know swear by it!) according to the old wives tale, we are having a boy...we don't really care what we're having either as long as it gets here and is healthy but we're still just dying to know one way or the other! Can't wait to start decorating the nursery! We already have a baby bed and have picked a bunch of things out that would go either way but I'm trying not to get ahead of myself...
I have always wanted a baby more than anything and just can't contain my excitement! :) Neither can my parents! They're sooo excited about having a "grandbaby." I will try to keep everyone updated!


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